Announcements February 14, 2025
Warning Bell……8:55
Period 1: 9:00 – 10:21
Period 2: 10:28 – 11:41
Lunch: 11:41 – 12:24
Period 3: 12:29 – 1:42
Period 4: 1:49 – 3:02
Happy Valentines Day!
Busing Information for Friday Feb. 14 & 21, 2025 bus info for CAIRN.
Due to two PD Days at CAIRN Christian, there are bus route revisions:
Beacon Express/ Stoney Creek/ Grimsby: regular route and times.
Beamsville/Caistor Route: Driver will contact you.
- Grace CRC- 8:20am
- Bethany CRC- 8:20am
- 874 Hwy 20- 8:30am
- Corner of Canborough & Fieldstone- 8:40am
- Arrive at SCH- 8:50am
- Leave SCH- 3:10pm
- Corner of Canborough & Fieldstone- 3:25pm
- 874 Hwy 20- 3:35pm
- Bethany CRC- 3:45pm.
- Grace CRC- 4:00pm
Student Services
Course Changes: Thank you for your patience with course changes semester two. All students were invited to make changes for the whole school year back in September. Our philosophy is to encourage students to make an Individual Pathway Plan that keeps doors open for future possibilities, reflects their individual educational needs while at the same time challenges them to be the best they can be. Our goal for students is to make good decisions and to focus on the big picture of education and all the possibilities. Thank you for your support - course changes for semester 2 will begin on Monday, February 3 and run through to February 7.
Reminder to all parents and guardians we no longer have parents sign off on changes unless we have a concern. Changes are made only in consultation and through the guidance office. If you would like to sign off on your child’s changes please send a note to and no changes will occur without your signature. All changes will show on Edsby within 24 hours to keep you apprised of your child’s course load.
Schulich Builders will combat the shortage of skilled trades in Ontario and amplify their importance and value to our community by awarding 120 annual scholarships for $20K and $40 K to the most promising candidates. Our school can nominate up to five students so please let me know if your college programs qualify!
Community Service Hours: This is a requirement and can be the reason a student does not achieve their high school diploma. There is a list on Mr. Wonder’s office window that is regularly updated with grade 12 student hour totals. If you have any questions or concerns please see Mr. Wonder or contact him at
25/26 GAP YEAR APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! Pass this on to a 17-20 year old in your life who needs a nudge to join Act Five 2025-2026. Included in a year with Act Five:- 3 wilderness trips and a 3-week international Service Learning Trip (plus 7+ other immersive trips).
The Brain Bee is an exciting opportunity for high school students to learn about the brain and the importance of brain research. We encourage students to pursue postsecondary education in STEM fields and to consider a career in neuroscience. There is no registration fee, and we provide a free pizza lunch and reimbursement for parking at Brock. Interested students can register starting in early January 2025 via our and will be open until March 28 2025.
Redeemer Campus Visit Days: We're excited to host three more Campus Visit Days this winter! These days provide a unique opportunity to explore our campus and meet some of our staff and students. Feb. 14 & March 14, 2025
A Dordt University representative will be visiting Smithville Christian on Thursday, February 20 during the noon hour. More details coming soon!
What’s Happening this Week?
Friday Feb 14
Happy Valentines
Students' Council
If you don’t have a pink shirt you have lots of time to get one for February 26th - National Pink Shirt Day in Canada to stand up against bullying.
Student Activities
Thursday mornings at 7:45.
Gaming Club
We meet again after exams, in the beginning of February until the end of May. Club goes from 3:00 until 5:00.
Pickup Hockey
Pick up hockey will run Thursdays after school from 3:30-5:00pm at the Smithville rink. Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or experience. The only requirement is that you have proper equipment, and a good attitude.
Save the date!
You are invited to our Guatemala Fundraising dinner at Smithville Christian High School, on February 7, 2025. Doors open at 6 PM. All are welcome! For planning purposes, it would be very helpful if you could RSVP using the QR code attached or the following link ( We will be having a lasagna dinner, with student led worship to follow. There is no admission cost, but there will be free will offerings, and tax receipts will be given out for donations over $20.00. Invite your friends and family to come join us for a time of connection, good food and worship. We hope to see you there!
Volunteer with The Gleaners!
Volunteering is by means of the online signup.
Please consider helping us out by clicking on our signup link. Two simple steps and you're signed up!
1) Click this link:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
Periodically we host Saturday Morning Volunteer Sessions. Here is the signup link for those sessions. Please follow the same instructions as above:
(Please note that Saturday Sessions may be cancelled on short notice if there is a soft response to the signup. Thanks for understanding).
Volunteer Opportunity
With the provincial election in full swing, candidates often lean into volunteers to help them manage the necessary work they do. Interested? I encourage you to reach out to your local Member of Provincial Parliament and get involved. Select here to find your local MPP. With that in mind, Marietta Linde from the office of Sam Oosterhoff reached out and shared that that have volunteer tasks for all ages/interests for after school and Saturdays. Interested? Here is her contact information
P - 905-321-3274
E -
From: Back to Scratch
No hot lunch today!
Smithville Christian High School
6488 Townline Road, PO Box 40
Smithville, Ontario
L0R 2A0
Phone (905) 957-3255
Fax (905) 957-3431
All content property of Smithville Christian High School
Go Storm!